Rapid Response Opinion


Receive our opinion on any J. K. Rowling signature. This is the best opinion service on the market for those who want to know if a book they own, or one they’re interested in purchasing online, contains an authentic signature.

  • (1) Purchase a Rapid Response Opinion online below.

  • (2) Send us an email using the link below with high resolution images and all the information you’re able to supply about the book (how it was acquired, what was the story behind the signing, etc.).

  • (3) Sit tight and expect an email response from us within 24 hours containing our opinion—if you need your opinion returned urgently then please feel free to ping us again and let us know and we will endeavour to look into it as fast as possible.

    Each email will be specifically in response to your email, no generic emails are sent back, it will deal specifically with the signature you submitted to us. We won’t, unfortunately, provide any details as to why we have determined a particular signature to be authentic or not. This is because forgers have, in the past, attempted to glean specific information from us to make their forgeries better. Because of this The Harry Potter Specialist does not discuss specific traits of Jo’s signature other than in special circumstances.

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Please email us images of the J. K. Rowling signature you would like us to provide an opinion on using the link below. You can also send links if the book is listed online. Please include any additional information you feel is relevant.